EVERY ENTREPRENEUR STARTS SOMEWHERE… We’ve made it easy in Pasco County. Start our nine-week program, led by a trained coach in a small, supportive group setting. Build the foundation of a business week-by-week, sharing ideas with people like yourself. Exit ready to grow or launch a business with the tools you will need to ensure success. YOU’VE THOUGHT ABOUT IT. LET’S GET STARTED. Here is a look at what you will learn each week: -Week 1: Knowing Yourself - Introduction, Assumptions, Working Styles, Team Building, Obstacles -Week 2: Knowing Your Customer - Customer, Problem, Alternatives, Idea Testing -Week 3: Finding the Right Solution - Solution, Benefit, Advantage, Starting Small, Brand Identity -Week 4: Getting the Relationship Right - Marketing & Message, Getting, Keeping & Growing Customers -Week 5: Building Blocks - Distribution, Revenue, Typical Offering, Price -Week 6: Structures and Systems - Legal and Accounting Considerations -Week 7: Discovering the Bottom Line - Startup & Ongoing Needs, Fixed & Variable Costs & Break-Even Point -Week 8: Financial Modeling - Break-Even Point, Sales Projections, Cash Flow, Raising Capital; Planning for Growth - Growth Plans, Goal Setting, Celebration Prep -Week 9: Celebration Night - Graduation / Pitch Night