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Zephyrhills - the name, itself, evokes the feeling of a warm breeze gently blowing through the hills. Situated in the trending Pasco County, just north of New Tampa.

Residents enjoy the perfect combination of small town atmosphere with the amenities of larger communities. From its inception Zephyrhills has been known for its healthy, hospitable and active living for seniors. Today the face of Zephyrhills is changing. Agreeable weather, active lifestyle, access to state-of-the art medical facilities, strong sense of community and proximity to the Tampa Bay Area market and amenities make Z'Hills the new choice for businesses, young professionals and families to settle.

Downtown Street View
dog house

As progress knocks on the door - Wesley Chapel & Wiregrass to the immediate West, and New Tampa and Lakeland to the South - Zephyrhills enthusiastically embraces this dynamic flow of energy.

Whether you're looking to stay, or just taking a look around, we will be thrilled that you dropped by and even happier if you decide to stay.


Top Employers Approximate figures
Advent Health Zephyrhills: 1100
Florida Medical Clinic: 850
Nestlé (Zephyrhills Bottled Water): 325
City of Zephyrhills: 180
Morrow Steel: 90

A Snapshot of Zephyrhills

(Figures as of 2013)




Season (Fall/Winter) Population


Area (5 Mile Radius)

years old

Median Age


Estimated Per Capita Income


Estimated Home Cost


Average Temperature


Average Annual Precipitation

Zephyrhills Government and Services

City Government

City of Zephyrhills Mission Statement (adopted in 2002)

Zephyrhills is a friendly community which respects and embraces its past and heritage, values the diversity of its residents, and encourages economic growth and development while retaining its small town, neighborly charm.

City Council meets the second and fourth Monday of the month at City Hall Council Chambers, 5335 Eighth Street, Zephyrhills.

Mayor Melonie Monson

City Council Kenneth Burgess (Council President), Charles Proctor, Lance Smith, Steve Spina, Jodi Wilkeson

City Manager William Poe, Jr.

City Clerk Lori Hillman

Useful Phone Numbers

City Hall 813-780-0000
City Manager 813-780-0000
Building Department 813-780-0020
City Services (Water / Sewer / Garbage) 813-780-0015
Fire Department (non-emergency) 813-780-0041
Municipal Airport 813-780-0030
Occupational Licenses 813-780-0020
Parks Department 813-780-0022
Police Department (non-emergency) 813-780-0050
Public Library 813-780-0064 / 813-788-6375
Pasco County Courthouse (Dade City) 352-521-4111

City of Pure Water • Tree City USA • Skydive Capital of the World • Small Town Living with All the Amenities of Larger Communities • Pasco County's Best-Kept "Secret"

Zephyrhills is Open for Business!

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